The Edan F6 Dual Fetal Monitor (Twins FHR) comes standard with:
- (2) FHR Probes (#02.01.210256).
- TOCO Probe [(F6 without DECG/IUP) (#02.01.210259)].
- TOCO Probe [(F6 with DECG/IUP) (#02.01.210260)].
- Event Marker (#02.01.210095).
- (3) Belts (#01.57.02264).
- Ultrasound Gel [(CE Mark, 250 g) (#11.57.78008-11)].
- (3) units of Recording Paper (#F6/F9-P).
- (2) T1.6AL Fuses (#01.21.64066).
- Power Cord (USA Standard) (#11.13.36016).
- User Manual.
- Quick Reference.
- Guidance to Fetal Heart Monitoring (#01.54.455058-10).
- Insight Connection Cable (#01.13.107659-11).
- Ethernet Cable (#11.13.20096).
- Ground Cable (#11.13.114214).
- Screwdriver (#01.24.070019).
Warranty: Factory 2 Years - Free from Defects in Materials and Workmanship.
Note: Data saved on the USB is encrypted. Users cannot simply see the vitals on a computer without the proper software. CMS/CMS-Lite software is required for viewing live to capture that data as a PDF. Alternatively an installed printer can be used to view results. Printers MUST be added to a monitor order at the time of purchase. Otherwise a $195 labor fee plus the cost of the printer will be added. Please select the with printer option at checkout or contact MFI directly before purchasing to make sure your order includes a printer.
The F6 Dual Fetal Monitor (#F6Twins) is a high end hospital grade monitor designed for multi-bed units with a central station, yet simple enough for private practice. It offers the most advanced integrated monitoring for the delivery room in big hospitals, private obstetrician's offices, and antepartum clinics.
The F6Twins is intended for non-invasive and invasive monitoring of the fetus during antepartum examination, labor, and delivery. It provides non-stressful testing for pregnant women from the 28th week of gestation and on.
The Dual Fetal Monitor can externally monitor the FHRs using ultrasound and uterine activity via a TOCO transducer or internally monitor one of the FHRs with DECG and uterine activity with an IUPC.